replace ignored-classes to your SQLAlchemy model class.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
validate decorator for some service call
A validate decorator modified from formencode validate which returns input form if failed, it returns error message string. Used in some service call.
''' Created on Mar 16, 2011 @author: eryx lee ''' import logging import formencode from decorator import decorator from pylons.decorators import PylonsFormEncodeState log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def validate_api(schema=None, validators=None, error_msg_template=None, variable_decode=False, dict_char='.', list_char='-', post_only=False, state=None, **htmlfill_kwargs): """Validate input either for a FormEncode schema, or individual validators Given a form schema or dict of validators, validate will attempt to validate the schema or validator list. If validation was successful, the valid result dict will be saved as ``self.form_result``. Otherwise, the action will return a error message formatted by ``error_msg_template`` ``schema`` Refers to a FormEncode Schema object to use during validation. ``variable_decode`` Boolean to indicate whether FormEncode's variable decode function should be run on the form input before validation. ``error_msg_template`` String template to format error message. ``dict_char`` Passed through to FormEncode. Toggles the form field naming scheme used to determine what is used to represent a dict. This option is only applicable when used with variable_decode=True. ``list_char`` Passed through to FormEncode. Toggles the form field naming scheme used to determine what is used to represent a list. This option is only applicable when used with variable_decode=True. ``post_only`` Boolean that indicates whether or not GET (query) variables should be included during validation. .. warning:: ``post_only`` applies to *where* the arguments to be validated come from. It does *not* restrict the form to only working with post, merely only checking POST vars. ``state`` Passed through to FormEncode for use in validators that utilize a state object. Example:: class SomeController(BaseController): def create(self, id): return render('/myform.mako') @validate(schema=model.forms.myshema()) def update(self, id): # Do something with self.form_result pass """ if state is None: state = PylonsFormEncodeState def wrapper(func, self, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator Wrapper function""" request = self._py_object.request errors = {} # If they want post args only, use just the post args if post_only: params = request.POST else: params = request.params params = params.mixed() if variable_decode: log.debug("Running variable_decode on params") decoded = formencode.variabledecode.variable_decode(params, dict_char, list_char) else: decoded = params if schema: log.debug("Validating against a schema") try: self.form_result = schema.to_python(decoded, state) except formencode.Invalid, e: errors = e.unpack_errors(variable_decode, dict_char, list_char) if validators: log.debug("Validating against provided validators") if isinstance(validators, dict): if not hasattr(self, 'form_result'): self.form_result = {} for field, validator in validators.iteritems(): try: self.form_result[field] = \ validator.to_python(decoded.get(field), state) except formencode.Invalid, error: errors[field] = error if errors: log.debug("Errors found in validation, form error message.") request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET' self._py_object.c.form_errors = errors form_content = ', '.join(["%s: %s" % itm for itm in errors.items()]) if error_msg_template: form_content = error_msg_template % form_content return form_content return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return decorator(wrapper)
Monday, March 14, 2011
reduce disk IO load by ionice when rsync
ionice -c3 rsync -avtz --progress src dst
-c class
The scheduling class. 0 for none, 1 for real time, 2 for best-
effort, 3 for idle.
Idle A program running with idle io priority will only get disk time
when no other program has asked for disk io for a defined grace
period. The impact of idle io processes on normal system activ‐
ity should be zero. This scheduling class does not take a prior‐
ity argument. Presently, this scheduling class is permitted for
an ordinary user (since kernel 2.6.25).
-c class
The scheduling class. 0 for none, 1 for real time, 2 for best-
effort, 3 for idle.
Idle A program running with idle io priority will only get disk time
when no other program has asked for disk io for a defined grace
period. The impact of idle io processes on normal system activ‐
ity should be zero. This scheduling class does not take a prior‐
ity argument. Presently, this scheduling class is permitted for
an ordinary user (since kernel 2.6.25).
Saturday, March 12, 2011
mock a rollback in pylons unit testing
@fudge.patch('samples.model.meta.Session') def test_add_user_commit_exception(FakeSession): FakeSession.provides('query').returns(1).provides("filter").returns_fake().\ provides("all").returns_fake() FakeSession.provides('commit').raises(ValueError("Commit excepion!")) FakeSession.expects("rollback").returns_fake() try: user.add_user("name") except Exception, ex: pass
"Clock" keeps quit unexpectedly after weather location selected in Ubuntu 10.10
Error message saying:
"Clock" has quit unexpectedly
if you reload a panel object, it will automatically be added back to the panel.
"Clock" has quit unexpectedly
if you reload a panel object, it will automatically be added back to the panel.
Friday, March 11, 2011
fake ip in pylons unit testing
controller code:
unit testing code:
import logging from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to from samplebundle.lib.base import BaseController, render log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebenvironsController(BaseController): def get_ip(self): # Return a rendered template #return render('/webenvirons.mako') # or, return a response ip = request.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] return ip
unit testing code:
from samplebundle.tests import * class TestWebenvironsController(TestController): def test_get_ip(self): my_extra_environ = {"REMOTE_ADDR":""} response = self.app.get(url(controller='webenvirons', action='get_ip'), extra_environ = my_extra_environ) assert '' in response
file upload unit testing in pylons
controller code:
unit testing code:
import logging from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to from samplebundle.lib.base import BaseController, render log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebflowcontrolsController(BaseController): def upload(self): myfile = request.POST['myfile'] return 'Successfully uploaded: %s, size: %i' % \ (myfile.filename, len(myfile.value))
unit testing code:
from samplebundle.tests import * class TestWebflowcontrolsController(TestController): def test_upload(self): my_upload_files = [("myfile","myfilename","myfilecontent")] # field, filename, content response = self.app.post(url(controller='webflowcontrols', action='upload'), upload_files=my_upload_files) assert 'size: 13' in response
response status unit testing in pylons
controller code:
unit testing code:
import logging from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to from samplebundle.lib.base import BaseController, render log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebflowcontrolsController(BaseController): def redirect_to_action(self): # Return a rendered template #return render('/webredirects.mako') # or, return a response redirect_to(controller='webflowcontrols', action='redirect_target') def redirect_target(self): # Return a rendered template #return render('/webredirects.mako') # or, return a response return 'redirect target' def abort_action(self, id): # Return a rendered template #return render('/webredirects.mako') # or, return a response if id == '404': abort(status_code=404) elif id == '400': abort(status_code=400) else: return "not abort"
unit testing code:
from samplebundle.tests import * class TestWebflowcontrolsController(TestController): def test_redirect_to_action(self): response = self.app.get(url(controller='webflowcontrols', action='redirect_to_action')) assert not 'redirect target' in response assert '/webflowcontrols/redirect_target' in response.location assert 302 == response.status_int # Test response... def test_abort_action(self): #'status' is the integer status code you expect. #If you expect a 404 response, for instance, #you must give status=404 or it will be an error. response = self.app.get(url(controller='webflowcontrols', action='abort_action', id="404"), status=404 ) assert response.status_int == 404 response = self.app.get(url(controller='webflowcontrols', action='abort_action', id="400"), status='*' ) assert response.status_int == 400
cookies unit testing in pylons
Controller code:
unit testing code:
import logging from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect_to from samplebundle.lib.base import BaseController, render log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CookiesController(BaseController): def get_cookie(self): my_cookie = request.cookies.get("my_cookie_name") if my_cookie == "my_cookie_value": return 'Found a cookie named my_cookie_name' else: return 'Nothing found' def set_cookie(self): response.set_cookie('my_cookie_name', 'my_cookie_value', max_age=360) return 'Done' def delete_cookie(self): response.delete_cookie('my_cookie_name') return 'Done'
unit testing code:
from samplebundle.tests import * class TestCookiesController(TestController): def test_get_cookie(self): myheaders = {} myheaders['Cookie'] = 'my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value' response = self.app.get(url(controller='cookies', action='get_cookie'), headers = myheaders) assert "Found a cookie" in response def test_set_cookie(self): response = self.app.get(url(controller='cookies', action='set_cookie')) assert 'my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value' in response.headers['Set-Cookie'] assert 'Max-Age=360' in response.headers['Set-Cookie'] """Cookie storage format in headers['Set-Cookie'] 'key=value; Domain=example.org; expires="Mon, 28-Feb-2011 07:48:56 GMT"; Max-Age=360; Path=/; secure' """ def test_delete_cookie(self): myheaders = {} myheaders['Cookie'] = 'my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value' response = self.app.get(url(controller='cookies', action='delete_cookie'), headers = myheaders) assert 'my_cookie_name=' in response.headers['Set-Cookie']
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